[23.7.05] [Stevens]
Nicholas Clee, who used to do the industry round-up for the Guardian Review but now finds himself in charge of the Times' 'Hot type' column, mentions a certain site today:
"Six British bloggers on literary matters have joined forces to present teasers from their work, with links, at one website. I find the home page, laid out in six vertical columns, somewhat hard to navigate, but others may disagree. If you've yet to discover the substantial community discussing books online, www.britlitblogs.com offers the way.
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One of the issues being aired at BritLitBlogs is the backlash against Ismail Kadare, who last month won the 60,000 [Pounds] Man Booker International Prize. In a letter to The Times Literary Supplement, Professor Barry Baldwin wrote of the Albanian writer that "his resume screams careerism and conformity". A Romanian writer, Irina Renata Dumitrascu, claims that Kadare's entire career is "built on a dubious premise". It is a charge that all artists living under repressive regimes - save jailed dissidents - have had to face."