[11.1.06] [Andrew Gallix]
The Guardian's world tour of literature project. * No Jam today. * Soft Skull team up with Popmatters (via Galleycat). Soft Skull's Richard Nash has also taken the Miriam Bass Award for Creativity in Independent Publishing. * A Byron manuscript is discovered. * George Painter, translator of Proust, passes away. * Olivia Cole's review of Jeremy Mercer's Books, Baguettes and Bedbugs (about his time at Shakespeare & Company) reminds us that only seven novels have been written in the legendary Parisian bookshop. * Stalking ex-members of The Fall. * The boy LeRoy (JT, that is). * Crockatt & Powell Booksellers have a blog. * Wonkette wonks off in Reason. * Ralph Steadman interviewed over at SuicideGirls. * The Albert Camus Society UK. * Anthony Clayton's Decadent London is reviewed by Christopher Fowler in today's Independent on Sunday: "Londoners, it seems, have always been a bunch of dirty-minded beasts, never more so than when seeking a night out in the 'scented whirlwind' of the theatre". * Rick Moody's The Diviners (which "exhaustively satirises the vacuousness of the film world and it is as defiantly writerly a book as you could imagine.") in The Observer. * Dazed & Confused at 15. The latest, "literary special" issue, includes a feature on the good people at Scarecrow who fly the flag "for the brave, the new, the strange and the downright unacceptable" (I hope they're not referring to my very own "Enough Ribena to Incarnadine the Multitudinous Seas"). * The 20th anniversary of C86, which will apparently see festivities in London. * Alex Cox has a blog (link via dogmatika who recently posted a review of Tainted Love whose author, Stewart Home, appeared at 3:AM's Xmas Bash which went down well with Four-Eyed Bitch). * Tony O'Neill has a new website (link via Paris Bitter Hearts Pit). * Green Gartside of Scritti Politi fame makes a comeback. * The search for English icons.