During a recent trip to Japan, I was unfortunately unable to meet up as planned with our longstanding man over there, Kenji Siratori (interview here), on account of his living somewhere too remote for my schedule. But he does send notice of his latest project, a special collaboration album with noise artist GX Jupitter-Larsen. You can purchase the album here and listen to excerpts here (video also above):
"the brain universe that compressed the acidHUMANIX infectious disease ofher ultra=machinary tragedy-ROM creature system to the insanity medium ofthe hyperreal HIV=scanners gene-dub of the corpse citydigital=vamp@reptilian=HUB_modem that crashed a chemical=anthropoid=terrorabolition world-codemaniacs that covered cardiac and was processed to thatmass of flesh-module data=mutant of the drug fetus of the trash sense isaspirated acid****the hunting for the grotesque WEB=joint terminal of theliving body junk feeling replicant technojunkies' FUCKNAMLOAD to theDNA=channels of the biocapturism nerve cells corpse feti=streaming of aclone boy noise" [permalink]