About The Living Things, the feeling replicant living body junk of PHOTOPHOB's digital vamp cold-blooded disease animals to the acidHUMANIX infectious disease archive of the biocapturism nerve cells nightmare-script of a clone boy murder game schizophysically. PHOTOPHOB's terror fear cytoplasm gene-dub of the drug fetus of the trash sense to the modem heart of the hybrid corpse mechanism that turned on technojunkies' ill-treatment reptilian HUB. The mass of flesh-module of the hyperreal HIV scanner form tera of dogs PHOTOPHOB was debugged to the paradise apparatus of the human body pill cruel emulator corpse feti streaming of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM log-in. About The Living Things turn on trash sense of drug fetus reptilian HUB modem heart that hung up to the abolition world-codemaniacs that was processed the data mutant of PHOTOPHOB's ultra machinery tragedy-ROM creature system ill-treatment. PHOTOPHOB crashes the paradise apparatus of the human body pill cruel emulator that compressed the acidHUMANIX infectious disease of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM to the brain universe of the hyperreal HIV scanner form murder game of the dogs of tera to a hybrid corpse mechanism. PHOTOPHOB plug-in the surrender-site of the living body junk feeling replicant to the DNA channels of the biocapturism nerve cells corpse feti streaming of a clone boy hacking a chemical anthropoid with the era respiration-byte.
Reptilian HUB modem that crashed to the insanity medium of the hyperreal HIV scanners DNA channel of the corpse city chemical anthropoid
WORMS OF THE EARTH is covered cardiac and turn on that mass of flesh-module ill-treatment. Hunting for the grotesque WEB body encoder of the ultra machinery tragedy-ROM creature system that was debugged to the corpse feti streaming circuits of the biocapturism nerve cells that compressed the acidHUMANIX infectious disease of a clone boy technojunkies' WORMS OF THE EARTH joints. Tides of Dream and Madness exterminate to a hybrid corpse mechanism to the terror abolition world-codemaniacs that was processed the feeling replicant living body junk of WORMS OF THE EARTH's digital vamp cold-blooded disease animals data mutant of the drug fetus of the trash sense. WORMS OF THE EARTH accelerate the acidHUMANIX infectious disease archive of the biocapturism nerve cells to the modem heart of the hybrid corpse mechanism that turned on technojunkies' ill-treatment nightmare-script of a clone boy virus. Tides of Dream and Madness aspirate the paradise apparatus of the human body pill cruel emulator corpse feti streaming of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM to the brain universe that was processed the data mutant of WORMS OF THE EARTH's abolition world-codemaniacs feeling replicant acid. WORMS OF THE EARTH install the terror fear cytoplasm tera of dogs gene-dub of the drug fetus of the trash sense to the mass of flesh-module of the hyperreal HIV scanner form that was debugged.
ABOUT THE REVIEWER: Kenji Siratori is a restless cyberpunk author living in Japan. His novels are
Blood Electric (2002),
Headcode (2004),
Human_Worms (2004),
Smart-d (2004),
(debug.) (2004),
GIMMICK (2005) and
Acidhuman Project (2006).