[3.11.06] [Stevens]
"When I die I'd like to have my body cremated then my ashes mixed into a major supply of cocaine so that all the fucking cokehead kids and rock stars and lawyers and brokers will have a bit of me coursing through their veins causing them to talk the type of bullshit that I have pretty much turned into a professional career. That or a straight burial is fine."
Guilty Confession
Sometimes I recreate the Battle Of Dunkirk in my mind and sometimes I let the Germans win.
The Fonz At 70
Arthur Fonzarelli walks into the toilets of Al's Diner, only the diner was replaced by a dry cleaners and the toilets are now a back office, with plants and a filing cabinet. "Heeeeey," he says, giving the thumbs up. "I don't know who you are or what you want," snaps a women at the desk, reaching for her berretta "But I suggest you leave before I call the police."
Kitchen Wisdom
Too many cooks spoil the broth usually by underestimating the expansive power of pearl barley.
Oh, Brother
Last night I dreamt that we went to a whorehouse but I couldn't go through with it so went and watched BMXers do somersaults into the sea with the footballer Ronaldo instead The fucker made me carry his suitcase. You got stuck in.
Icelandic Advice
Don't lick the glacier.
There's a reason way more men than women put their backs out and it is nothing to do with DIY.
Funeral Arrangements
When I die I'd like to have my body cremated then my ashes mixed into a major supply of cocaine so that all the fucking cokehead kids and rock stars and lawyers and brokers will have a bit of me coursing through their veins causing them to talk the type of bullshit that I have pretty much turned into a professional career. That or a straight burial is fine.
The Eternal Question
Q. Can man exist on hummus alone? A. Yes, but he will definitely be alone.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ben Myers used to want to be a boxer.