[20.1.06] [Andrew Gallix]
3:AM will soon be publishing an interview (conducted by A. Stevens) with young American novelist Noah Cicero, author of the The Human War (out on Fugue State Press) and Burning Babies (Six Gallery Press). Here's a short extract:
"I deliver pizzas every night to people living in hotels, people living in cockroach-infested apartments. Some guy told me in Florida they have tons of people living in tent cities. I know a lot of people that have been put into jail for years for crimes they didn't commit, but since they couldn't afford a big-time lawyer, they went to prison. While Michael Jackson sleeps naked with children. You know, if some poor redneck or some guy from the projects decided to sleep naked with his children, he would be in jail in a second and then have his balls burned off with lye. It is for sure worse in Latin America. America has the most money in the world, all that means to me is that they really fucking don't have an excuse for this shit. I haven't read Barbara Ehrenreich. I work as a pizza boy for minimum wage and tips. Tonight I mopped a floor, washed dishes and listened to some girl talk about how one of her three babies' daddies is the head crack dealer in a certain project and that he makes 55,000 a year and has only been shot in the face twice. I don't know if I can read that, it is there, I'm right there, I am one of her characters. It is too painful."