[1.7.06] [Andrew Gallix]
3:AM contributor Bob Short claims he has not only heard the chimes at midnight, he has stayed up past dawn to hear them again the next time around. Before being old enough to drink, he haunted Sydney's beer barns with proto punk band Filth. Later on, he gained some notoriety in the UK with the band Blood and Roses when he was described as everything from a "shambolic messiah" to a "long, tall streak of piss". He has been a DJ and worked in a sex shop, the civil service and as Musical Director for a theatre company. He claims the only thing ever to surprise him was seeing his thirtieth birthday. Currently, he lives in exile in the penal colonies of New South Wales with his son, Billy. There he has makes low-budget films such as Makers of the Dead, King's Cross Vampires, Lone Gunman Theory and Bad Animals. His Trash Can: Tales of Low Life Losers & Rock & Roll Sleaze will soon be published by Independence Jones:
"I'm going to take you on a journey not into science but into my own fetid prose. The story is as real as you want it to be. Nothing has been changed to protect the innocent because all the ninja movies I've seen have taught me that everyone is guilty. It's a dirty job but someone has got to do it. 'Don't try this at home'."