[18.9.06] [Andrew Gallix]
The Riot Lit Writer's Collective (Slogan: "The revolution will be written") has just been launched, proving that the Offbeat Generation keeps growing in all directions. Here is the press release:
"Riot Lit is a cooperative of authors from all walks of life. Some hold PhDs, some have graduated from nothing more than the hard lessons of the streets. Some have been published through major New York houses, others have garnered critical acclaim and hefty fanbases through the route of self-publishing. But all nine members have in common a unifying goal of strengthening the writing community and giving new urgency to the world of letters. For too long, authors, perhaps more than in any other creative industry, have felt the need to compete with each other, to keep their creative ideas safe so that each one would have that much more of a chance of landing the fabled book deal, and securing the lion's share of the public's entertainment dollars. The industry of publishing is far from soft, and the competition is always fierce, not only for publishing contracts, but for table space in the major bookstore chains, and even venues for book readings and signings. An author's best friend, goes the common knowledge, is and always will be himself. But not anymore.
The Riot Lit Collective refuses the passive role that writers are expected to embrace. They defy all preconceived notions of how a writer should create and thrive within modern culture. Their strength is their ability to maneuver outside of the literary establishment. They do not seek endorsements from talk show hosts. They do not write paint-by-numbers beach reads. They have united and they are here to change the dominant paradigm."
They are: Daniel Scott Buck, N. Frank Daniels, Kate Holden, Jeremy Robert Johnson, Brad Listi, Tony O'Neill, Jolene Siana, Joseph Suglia and Kristopher Young.
Collective members N. Frank Daniels, Tony O'Neill and Jolene Siana will be reading and signing their books on Thursday, October 5th at TBD, and on Friday, October 6th at the KGB Bar in Manhattan.
Tony O'Neill (pictured) will be interviewed tomorrow on Kerrang Radio at 11.30pm (UK time)/6.30pm (East Coast time). You can listen to the interview online if you're not in the UK.
In related news: a review of Noah Cicero's The Condemned.