[27.9.06] [Andrew Gallix]
Travis Jeppesen (author of Victims and Poems I Wrote While Watching TV) interviews Bertie Marshall (punk legend, former 3:AM columnist and author of Berlin Bromley) in The Fanzine. Here, Bertie is talking about Pete's Underpants, his current project:
"It's a memoir. But you know, it happened over a period of nine months. And what you were saying about memory, each time you remember a particular event, you remember it slightly differently. The cinema does this amazingly well. I'm trying to go there with writing. So there's one particular scene that is replayed through thinking about it, and it's slightly different each time. I meet him in the bar three different times in the book from different perspectives. Then they start to merge a bit. But really, I don't think about these things academically. I don't think about it this way until after I write it, but what the book really seems to be about is the experience of this Englishman seeing the American Dream go wrong. Not the American experience of it."
Both Travis and Bertie appear in the forthcoming Offbeat Generation anthology.