[14.11.06] [Andrew Gallix]
Lee Rourke's first collection of short stories, entitled Everyday, will be published by Social Disease next year. While you wait (and, believe me, it is worth the wait), you can read an interview with the Editor of Scarecrow in Vim Cortez's mighty fine Paris Bitter Hearts Pit. Lee's views on Manchester City prove, once and for all, that even the greatest minds can be seriously wrong. On a lighter note, he also labours under the weird delusion that Tony Parsons was once considered as an intellectual! Selected extract:
"I live in constant fear; it penetrates deep into the core of my very being and horrifies me. It is a true, palpable horror that clings to me like a damp, black towel I can't shake off. This horror gradually haunts me throughout the night and is at its unremitting peak just when the sunlight first starts to creep into my room early in the morning."