[5.2.06] [Andrew Gallix]
Marilyn Manson to play Lewis Carroll. * Kevin Williamson of Rebel Inc. fame has a blog! * Literary New Orleans rises from the ashes. * Night Haunts: a "nocturnal journey through 2006" by Sukdehv Sandhu. * Dennis Cooper is interviewed in PAPERMAG. On porn: "I think porn is a pretty strict form. Directors have tried to reinvent it and introduce avant-garde elements into it, and it never quite works. I think it has to be centrally about producing eroticism and desire, but I think it would be very easy to introduce into it emotional depth, drama, psychological complexity, motivation, intelligence, cleverness, etc. without destroying its purpose and actually only enhancing the sexiness. I have a notebook full of theories and plans and sketches, but that's it in a nutshell. I think it's a matter of leaving porn that way it is formally and giving its insides an internal life". On his blog: "Many of the people posting are really talented artists in various mediums, and their interrelations and support for one another has been the best thing about doing the blog -- so in part I feel like I'm the facilitator of that. But it's astonishing to have the kind of connection the blog provides with my readers all over the world. Every writer cherishes their readers, and of course I do, and it's really mind-boggling and moving me to how passionate my readers can be about my work. Considering the kind of writer I am, that's the ideal. I just feel very lucky. It's as simple as that". * Being Lee Rourke does not sound boring at all: "Lee Rourke had work the next day, he would wake and then leave his flat, he would walk to work, he would do this everyday until it was the weekend again. And again, the following Sunday, you would probably find Lee Rourke sitting in The French House at 3.00pm drinking fine red or white, waiting for the two artists to start their argument. And sure enough they would. And Lee Rourke would accept this repetitive fact, knowing deep down that things probably don't get much better than this". * Lee Rourke is so unboring that he has just interviewed the enigmatic Stewart Home: "Sometime within the next year I'm also planning to start work on a new novel called Blood Rites of the Bourgeoisie, it will be set in the contemporary art world. However, I'm also learning ventriloquism. I just got an 8800 pound grant from the Live Art Development Agency, which enables me to take time out to learn some new skills. I'm exited about the prospect of presenting readings from my fiction wrapped into a ventriloquist act. That's what's really keeping me busy right now. I love ventriloquist dummies, they're such an archetypal symbol of modernism". * The success of Generazione 1000 Euro among young Italian readers. * Daisy Goodwin believes poetry is going the way of morris dancing: "'Twenty years ago everyone could name a Larkin or a Betjeman poem and had read them. I think you'd be very hard pressed to find anybody who could name a poem by any of the top 10 poets today. It's an endangered species". * On Valerie Beston: "She talked about Francis's work as though there wasn't all this human drama, Sturm und Drang, going on. You'd have a painting with a man having God knows what done to him, blood all over the place, and Miss Beston would say, 'Oh, there's the lovely bluey-green he used before. Isn't it pretty, the way he's put the paint on?' Miss Beston gave the work an odd respectability, took it into a different dimension." * Richard Hell and David Shapiro are publishing a book of poems entitled Rabbit Duck. * Mr Hell and others reveal their guilty pleasures. Irvine Welsh's?: the Bay City Rollers! (Welsh has just contributed to the One City book.) * The mighty DBC Pierre in pulp.net. * Rick Moody interviewed in The Independent: "The speech act to me is terrifying and insubstantial, whereas when I write it down I can get it right". * Paul Morley on the Eighties. * Unlike Morley, Alan Sillitoe digs the Monkeys. * Nostalgia for an age yet to come. * Dave Eggers on his passion for the June Brides: "He had, he said, long ago written and recorded all the songs he planned to. I was dumbfounded. Really? Yes, he said. After the last record, he simply felt he was finished. Were there occasional feelings that he had a few songs left in him? Sure, he said, and named a few very personal and harrowing memories that he thought might make interesting fodder for a song or two. But those few unwritten songs didn't seem to be eating him up. Did I want another beer? he asked. He was buying". * Jessa Crispin gives the emo-boy novelists (think Andy Greenwald) a sound spanking: "It sets my teeth on edge, raises my blood pressure and causes spontaneous swearing. Those books should die." Edward Champion comes to their rescue. * On Joe Orton. * Gabriel Garcia Marquez's writer's block. * Hilary Spurling wins the Whitbread. * Jim Jarmusch is cool as fuck (link via the wondrous dogmatika). * Elli Medeiros who used to sing with the Stinky Toys has a cool website. * More Gallix here and, especially, there.