[23.3.06] [Andrew Gallix]
Most magazines are all the same. London-based Nude is one of those rare exceptions: a truly original publication which creates its own template. Issue 8, which comes out in a few days, features an in-depth interview with artist Charles Burns, Stewart Home on his mum, John Robb on his oral history of punk, US inmate Seth Ferranti on the history of convict writing, plus a homage to pinball, Blondie, an update on JT LeRoy, an article about the anti folk scene, The Priscillas, outsider art, Terry Edwards and more. But there's even more: We are also proud to announce the start of our new publishing venture (as in, publishing in addition to the magazine). We're kicking it off with a glorious art print from the master of UK lowbrow and burlesque art Vince Ray." Each (and there's only 150 in all) hand screenprinted artwork is signed and numbered.