[25.7.06] [Andrew Gallix]
 "It is like walking into a dream that is being directed by Michel Gondry with special effects like The Matrix and the acrobatic showmanship orchestrated by Yuen Wo Ping after eating decent LSD," writes Matthew Coleman after witnessing Fuerzabruta at London's Roundhouse... I have seen a hell of a lot of bizarre and twisted shit in my life, and I admit that my glass is half-cracked. I am a neurotic, at the best of times, and my perspective on life is so warped to the point where people eye me with acute suspicion whilst backing away and muttering, "Pervert," under their stinking breaths. Time does funny things to some men, and I am one of them. But it is not my fault, no way, for I point the finger at those strange and distant experiences that I have been exposed to, and what doesn't kill us only makes us weirder.
But I am not here to talk about reality and the ugly scars one can get whilst walking certain paths. No sir, I am here to talk about being hurled out of reality's grip without eating any of the vast array of narcotics that is on offer to modern day man. Yes, I am hear to talk about something so spectacular, something so utterly awe-inspiring as to skull fuck your head and make your brain pan feel like it has had an electric shot through it.
Yes, I am talking about the one, the only, Fuerzabruta.
Now Fuerzabruta is a name I had never heard of before until I walked into the Roundhouse last night with an open mind, a beautiful woman, and a pint of warm ale. Word has it that it means "Brutal Force" in some other language, and I HAVE to say that this show Fuerzabruta is pissing with it from the rafters.
But right now, as I write this on a heat-filled day that is, ever so surely, eating into my soul, I shall indeed refrain from ranting on about everything I saw last night, for who the hell wants to hear a commentator ruining the whole damn thing? What I will say about this 'show' so I can build a small picture of it within your crop is that it is like walking into a dream that is being directed by Michel Gondry with special effects like The Matrix and the acrobatic showmanship orchestrated by Yuen Wo Ping after eating decent LSD.
And what a combination. I spent the whole time with my eyes popping out of their sockets and my jaw dropped trying, I think back now in retrospect, to catch some of the wonderment that erupted like a spine-tingling orgasm from every fucking angle there was. Jesus what a show, what a spectacle, what an event that razzled and dazzled as one stands there, surrounded by a herd of people, and all of you are sucked in, wired to this trip that perpetuates faster than a speeding bullet.
Electric lights flicker like a film projector, then darkness as a rhythmic pounding of beats rumbles around the arena as air is blown out from a fan and a giant silver disk that looks like a ship's main mast is pushed out into the centre of the audience before it is twitched, and twirled and rotated around and around at a dizzying rate with a man on one side and a woman on the other twisting and twirling on this silver sail as it gets faster and faster whipping everyone into a frenzy as the spectacle bangs on and on and on. There's tits and ass, and water and glass, there's material waves that crash on and around you and over you and on you and it feels, at times, like you've been bolted to the seabed as you look up and see this human synchronicity fly through the air and boom and scream from the rafters like deranged banshees, "Fuck you and your theories Sir Isaac Newton, and go shove that apple up the backside of a pig and spit roast the beast!"
So yes, kick reality in the face for the evening and go spend your money not in a boozer but on an experience that you'll hold onto like a sublime fuck.
Matthew Coleman is co-editor at Scarecrow as well as a filmmaker. Watch out for the launch of his arts column, "The Projected Pages", here at 3:AM.